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California's New Just Cause Eviction Law 2024

California's New Just Cause Eviction Law 2024

New 2024 CA Eviction Law That Landlords and Tenants Should Know

California passed a new landlord-tenant law that will provide additional protections for renters around just cause evictions. Set to take effect on April 1, 2024, the law will require landlords to have just cause to terminate tenancy after a tenant has been placed in the unit for 12 months. Read along to see what tenants and landlords should know about this new legislation.

What is the new California Tenant Law?

The new law, California Civil Code Section 1946.2, prohibits landlords from terminating tenancy without "just cause" once a tenant has continuously and lawfully occupied the rental unit for 12 months. Just cause can be broken into 2 categories:

At Fault Just Cause: This includes a violations like non-payment of rent, breach of the lease agreement, subletting violations, refusing entry to the landlord, illegal activity, causing damage beyond normal wear and tear, disruptive behavior that violates the quiet enjoyment clause.  

No-Fault Just Cause: This covers situations where a landlord or close family member moving in, taking the unit off the rental market, complying with a governmental order, intent to demolish or substantially remodel, or intent to remove the unit from the residential housing market. 

What does it mean for landlords? 

The new law places significant restrictions on when landlords can terminate a tenancy and requires them to state the just cause in the termination notice. For no-fault terminations, landlords must provide relocation assistance equal to one month's rent. 

Why this also offers protections for landlords?

While the new law places some limits on the ability to terminate tenancy, there are provisions that protect landlords as well. The law allows for evictions for lease violations like non-payment of rent, waste of the property, or illegal activity. 

What does it mean for tenants? 

Tenants receive new protections against arbitrary evictions under the new law. As long as they occupy the unit lawfully, and commit no lease violations, they gain tenure rights after 12 months of continuous occupancy. 

Tenants facing no-fault evictions, like a landlord moving in, are entitle to relocation fees. Additionally, the new law specifies remedies tenants can pursue if a landlord violates the just cause requirements, including punitive damages. 


Both landlords and tenants should carefully review the requirements to understand their rights and responsibility under the new law. 

Many landlords may require assistance in navigating tenant communications, termination procedures, relocation fees, and record keeping. Here at Harland Property Management, we stay up to date on the latest laws and regulations affecting California landlords. Reach out to us today to see how we can help you navigate the new Just Cause Eviction Law as a property owner with confidence and focus on what matters most - managing your investment. 
